Tourism and fakelore
Reader - Jamie
Spider - Nico
Questions - Margo
MAY - 2021

Fakelore… I just picked it up - It's about a guy who made a phd on rural rituals and the rebirth of these rituals in rurality… and efforts of rebirthing old traditions, also from municipalities.
Subtitle: Rebirthing rural rituals…
The author is called Dr. Tony C. Horn.
Edited by Michigan University press, quite academic.
No reference to series.
It's kind of A5 size, a centimeter thin, quite floppy, cheap but more plastic like… a text book. Shiny paper.
It's really expensive, 26pound…
It's on the CoV Library on the second shelf, but not very categorized…
And a picture, with wooden masks on… a picture of busojaras on it… with traditional culture.
Some of the CoV is a bit cynical about it…
If I flick the pages, there is a huge amount of text but in the middle a lot of pictures, colours and black and white… with fig.1…2… different images of rural festivals. From europe, indonesia (wooden carved…).
It was published in 2002. No translations, in english…
Thanks page of academic actors… , no thanks to the communities where the festivals are based. It doesn't look like the author has visited those places.
Cheaply designed a bit… I'm still curious about it but…